圖片來源The Eyes Have It at Your Essential Eye Exam | Premier Health先說結論,"越遠越好"。教科書上的距離都是20英尺或6公尺,國內驗光人員法規定是最短5公尺,若用鏡子反射則最短2.5公尺。
太短會發生什麼問題呢? 這會牽涉到光聚散度、眼睛調節與屈光不正的原理,主要會有兩個問題產生。
PRIMARY CARE OPTOMETRY, 5th Theodore Grosvenor, O.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.O.
"Because rays of light diverging from a point 6m from the eye have a vergence of 0.17D on reaching the eye, "optometric infinity" differs from real infinity by an appreciable amount. When testing distances shorter than 6 m are used,what effect should we expect this to have on visual acuity?
As long as letter size is such that a 6/6 (20/20) letter subtends an angle of 5 minutes of arc at the spectacle plane,an emmetrope or an uncorrected hyperope with reasonable facility of accommodation would be expected to have no difficulty clearing up the letters at a distance less than 6 m.However, an uncorrected myope would be expected to have artificially high visual acuity under these circumstances.
For example, at a testing distance of 3 m (10 feet), a 0.33 D myope would be in perfect focus and would likely read at least one more line of letters than at the 6 m distance. In the experience of the author, visual acuity for uncorrected (and corrected) myopes becomes a problem for testing distances much closer than about 5 m (16 feet).
The effect of testing distance on visual acuity should not be confused with the effect of testing distance on refractive findings. For an acuity chart at 4 m, the vergence of light is 0.25 & for all patients, no matter what the refractive state, so myopes will tend to be underminused and hyperopes will tend to be overplussed. If the testing distance must be less than 20 feet, the use of a mirror system should be considered."