結果(1)單焦鏡片組平均近視增加-1.55D (2)雙焦鏡片組平均近視增加-0.96D (3)雙焦鏡片加入稜鏡組平均近視增加-0.70D。眼軸長增加平均各為0.62mm、0.41mm、0.41mm。結果的差別具有統計上的意義。
Randomized Trial of Effect of Bifocal and Prismatic Bifocal Spectacles on Myopic Progression
Two-Year Results
Arch Ophthalmol. 2010;128(1):12-19. doi:10.1001/archophthalmol.2009.332
Objective To determine whether bifocal and prismatic bifocal spectacles could control myopia in children with high rates of myopic progression.
Methods This was a randomized controlled clinical trial. One hundred thirty-five (73 girls and 62 boys) myopic Chinese Canadian children (myopia of
1.00 diopters [D]) with myopic progression of at least 0.50 D in the preceding year were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: (1) single-vision lenses (n = 41), (2) +1.50-D executive bifocals (n = 48), or (3) +1.50-D executive bifocals with a 3–prism diopters base-in prism in the near segment of each lens (n = 46).
Main Outcome Measures Myopic progression measured by an automated refractor under cycloplegia and increase in axial length (secondary) measured by ultrasonography at 6-month intervals for 24 months. Only the data of the right eye were used.
Results Of the 135 children (mean age, 10.29 years [SE, 0.15 years]; mean visual acuity, –3.08 D [SE, 0.10 D]), 131 (97%) completed the trial after 24 months. Myopic progression averaged –1.55 D (SE, 0.12 D) for those who wore single-vision lenses, –0.96 D (SE, 0.09 D) for those who wore bifocals, and –0.70 D (SE, 0.10 D) for those who wore prismatic bifocals. Axial length increased an average of 0.62 mm (SE, 0.04 mm), 0.41 mm (SE, 0.04 mm), and 0.41 mm (SE, 0.05 mm), respectively. The treatment effect of bifocals (0.59 D) and prismatic bifocals (0.85 D) was significant (P < .001) and both bifocal groups had less axial elongation (0.21 mm) than the single-vision lens group (P < .001).
Conclusions Bifocal lenses can moderately slow myopic progression in children with high rates of progression after 24 months.