星期日, 6月 19, 2011


  • 本篇論文根據年輕成人於視近時,評估其調節反應、眼位、注視差異(FD),以決定最佳之加入度。
  • 結論是在50cm,40cm,30cm之工作距離處,加入度分別為 +0.92 D、+1.04 D及 +1.28 D。
  • 近方3個稜鏡外斜之最佳加入度分別為+0.58 D 、+0.35 D and +0.20 D。
  • 此外,初始之調節反應誤差、近方眼位與最佳加入度之間有高度相關性。
  • 研究者建議加入度之設計應同時考量調節與聚合系統之間的平衡,約在+0.20D到+1.28D之間
  • 且若依每個人之調節與聚合系統,採用漸進多焦之設計,對於減緩近視的增加預期會有效果。

Optom Vis Sci. 2008 Nov;85(11):1100-5.
Optimal dioptric value of near addition lenses intended to slow myopic progression.
Jiang BC, Bussa S, Tea YC, Seger K.


College of Optometry, Nova Southeastern University, Ft Lauderdale, Florida 33328, USA. bjiang@nova.edu


The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal power value of near addition lenses, which would create the least error in accommodative and vergence responses.

We evaluated accommodative response, phoria, and fixation disparity when the subject viewed through various addition lenses at three working distances for 30 young adults (11 emmetropic, 17 myopic, and 2 hyperopic). Accommodative response was determined with a Canon R-1 infrared optometer under binocular viewing conditions, phoria was determined by the alternating cover test with prism neutralization, and fixation disparity was measured with a Sheedy disparometer.

We found that the optimal powers of near addition lenses for the young adult subjects associated with zero retinal defocus were +0.92 D, +1.04 D, and +1.28 D at three viewing distances, 50 cm, 40 cm, and 30 cm, respectively. The optimal powers associated with -3 prism diopters (Delta) near phoria were +0.58 D, +0.35 D, and +0.20 D at the three distances, 50 cm, 40 cm, and 30 cm, respectively. In addition, we found high correlations between the initial accommodative error and the optimal power of the near addition lenses and between the initial near phoria and the optimal power of the near addition lenses.

The results suggest that when the effects of near addition lenses on the accommodative and vergence systems are both considered, the optimal dioptric power of the near addition lens is in a range between +0.20 D and +1.28 D for the three viewing distances. Using progressive lenses to delay the progression of myopia may have promising results if each subject's prescription is customized based on establishing a balance between the accommodative and vergence systems. Formulas derived from this study provide a basis for such considerations.

