星期六, 2月 26, 2011





以下節錄自Clinical Management of Strabismus/Prism Applications    p.95
Elizabeth E.Caloroso, O.D., M.Opt., FAAO
Michael W. Rouse, O.D., M.S.Ed., FAAO

Many types of prism applications are available for clinical
use,  with  relieving  prisms  prescribed  most  frequently.
This chapter includes a review of seven prism types (re-
lieving, corrective, overcorrective, inverse, yoked, rotat-
ing, and regional) and prescribing criteria, with specific
guidelines for prescribing relieving prisms for heterophores
and intermittent strabismics. Other types of prism appli-
cations prescribed for constant strabismics are described
only briefly, with some indicatioins of their clinical uses.
However, the integration of prisms into the total treatment
program for constant strabismus and its associated visual
anomalies is included in the chapters discussing specific
patient types and treatment sequences.

Relieving  Prisms
Relieving prisms optically reduce the demand to fusional
vergence that controls the deviation and results in bifixation
of  a  viewed  target. The  prism  power  prescribed  is  less
than  the  oculomotor  deviation  (i.e.,  the  phoria  in
heterophoria  or the dissociated  deviation  in  strabismus)
and has its base in the opposite direction to the eyetum
(i.e., BI for exo, BO for eso, BD for hyperdeviations, and
BU for hypodeviations).

Corrective Prisms
Corrective  prisms  optically  eliminate  the  oculomotor
deviation. The prism power prescribed equals the size of
the oculomotor deviation and has the base in the opposite
direction  to  the  deviation.  Thus,  the  residual  vergence
demand is zero and the retinal images are centered on the
foveae.  Sensory  fusion can then  occur without the need
for fusional vergence—that is, assuming that the strabismic
eye is not suppressed. When deep suppression exists, the
goal of stimulating normally coiresponding retinal areas
while the eyes remain in the strabismic posture is achieved,
but  the  additional  goal  of  establishing  normal  sensory
fusion might not be attained.

Overcorrective  Prisms
Overcorrective prisms  optically  change  the direction  of
the oculomotor deviation. In such cases, the prism power
prescribed is larger than the oculomotor deviation and has
its base in the opposite direction to the eyetum. The most
commonly  prescribed  power  equals  the  dissociated  de-
viation  plus  10  pd.  Thus,  the  prism  moves  the  retinal
image beyond the fovea  of  the viewing  eye, and  to the
opposite hemiretina than previously stimulated, assuming
that  no  vergence  movements  occur.  Motor  stimulation
becomes opposite to that present without the prisms. For
example, an esodeviation becomes an optical exodeviation,
and the image of the viewed target is now in the temporal
retina  rather  than  the previously  stimulated  nasal  retina
(see Figure 6.8).

Inverse Prisms
Inverse prisms optically increase the demand to the con-
trolling  fusional  vergence. The prism prescribed has its
base  in  the  same  direction  as  the  eyetum  (i.e.,  BO  for
exodeviations and BI for esodeviations). When the patient
is  able  to  achieve  bifixation  of  a  zero-demand  target,
fusional vergence controlling the deviation has increased
an amount equaling the prism power. Thus, inverse prism
application serves as a passive therapy method prescribed
to improve the strabismic's fusional-vergence ability. The
initial prism power is usually 2 to 6 pd and is prescribed
for full-time wear or for specific visual activities. Prism
power is then increased in small steps on a weekly basis
by applying Fresnel or clip-on prisms until the compen-
sating fusional vergence response is at the desired level.

Yoked Prisms
Yoked prisms optically move the retinal images of a fixed
target in a parallel direction toward the base of the prism,
and  the  apparent  target  toward  the  apex  of  the  prisms.
Thus, both eyes turn synergistically  away  from primary
gaze into a different field of gaze (see Figure 6.9). Prisms
with  parallel  bases  are  prescribed  bilaterally  with  both
bases right, left, up, or down. The selected prism power
differs among patients, according to their diagnostic profile,
but most frequently is between 5 and  10 pd. Because each
eye makes  a  version  movement  toward  the  apex  of  the
prism, they have also been called "version prisms."

Rotating  Prisms
Rotating prisms provide  a method  of  changing  sensory
input  for  the  constant  strabismic  patient,  which  may
precipitate a change from anomalous to normal process-
ing  (Borish  1970,  p.  1303).  The  base  of  the  prism  is
rotated in a circular pattern at specific time periods. An
example would be to prescribe a 10 pd BU round Fresnel
prism for the right eye and then each week to change the
base to BO, BI, BD, and then to repeat the sequence of
rotations. The  power  of  the prism  may  vary, but  10 pd
seems  to  be  the  most  popular.  Rotating  prisms  are  yet
another form of disruptive prism application. Monocular
viewing  with  the  rotating-prism  technique  is  a  therapy
designed  for  amblyopia  treatment,  whereas  binocular
viewing with the rotating-prism technique is a method for
treating anomalous correspondence.

Regional  Prisms
When different amounts of prisms are needed for different
distances  or  gazes,  the  design  of  the  spectacles  can  be
very  difficult  or  at  times  even  impossible  if  ground  or
decentered prisms are used. More than one pair of spec-
tacles may be necessary to obtain the needed prism powers.
Having to change glasses may be a difficult visual solu-
tion  for  many  of  these  special  patients.  To  solve these
problems, Fresnel prism may be applied in strips, so that
multiple prism powers can be prescribed on one or both
lenses (Scott 1978). Regional prisms are typically multiple-
powered  relieving  prisms.  However,  in  some cases,  re-
lieving and yoked prisms are combined in regional strips
to obtain binocular vision in specific distances and gazes.

