星期二, 10月 31, 2023


 Comparing myopic error in patients with basic and convergence insufficiency intermittent exotropia in China - PubMed (nih.gov)




-內聚不足型之慣用眼等值球面度- 2.09 ± 1.45D,非慣用眼 - 2.53 ± 1.44D。

-基本型慣用眼等值球面度 - 2.46 ± 1.56D,非慣用眼 - 2.89 ± 1.37D 



-屈光參差組的近外斜量45.26 ± 24.41 PD,遠外斜量33.53 ± 23.31 PD

-非屈光參差組的近外斜量 43.42 ± 20.69 PD,遠外斜量 29.07 ± 16.84 PD



 Accommodation and vergence function in children using atropine combined with orthokeratology - PubMed (nih.gov)

62位8-12歲兒童分為四組,第一組結合使用0.01% atropine與OK鏡片,第二組使用安慰劑與OK鏡片,第三組使用0.01% atropine與鏡框眼鏡,第四組控制組使用安慰劑與鏡框眼鏡。

研究開始與三個月後,評估雙眼視覺功能,包括horizontal phoria, fusional vergence, the accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratio, accommodative lag, and accommodative amplitude (AA)。



Accommodative lag significantly decreased in the OK group (P = 0.002), but remained unchanged in the other three groups (all P > 0.05).


Binocular accommodative facilities and positive relative accommodations increased in the combination and OK groups (both P < 0.05) , but remained unchanged in the atropine and control groups (both P > 0.05). 


Only the participants with esophoria in the OK group had a significant decrease in esophoria (P = 0.008).


Changes in fusional vergence and AC/A did not significantly differ between the four groups (all P > 0.05).

星期二, 7月 04, 2023


     在單眼驗光之後需要進行雙眼調節平衡,方式有很多種,其中一種較特別的方式為HUMPHRISS IMMEDIATE CONTRAST (HIC)。概念是先霧視非檢查眼,接著在檢查眼之前輪流以+/-0.25DS鏡片比較清晰度。




1. Clinical Procedures for Ocular Examination 4th



  • a. If the patient reports that the -0.25 D sphere is clearer, add-0.25 D to the correction (or take away + 0.25 D) and continue step 5 until the two views appear equal.
  • b. If the +0.25 is preferred, add a +0.25 to the correction and continue step 5.
    • If on the next comparison the patient prefers the -0.25, add the -0.25 and proceed to step 6.
  • c. If the two views appear equal, leave the correction as is and proceed to step 6


2. OPTOMETRY : Science, Techniques and Clinical Management

/Mark Rosenfield, Nicola Logan

  • lf the patient is not accommodating, then they should immediately respond that the target is clearer with the minus lens.
  • lf the patient gives one of three responses , either that
    • (1) the plus lens is clearer
    • (2) that there is no difference between the two lenses or
    • (3) that the minus lens is clearer, but it makes the letters smaller or blacker,
  • then it can be assumed that the patient is accommodating.
  • With any of these three answers, additional plus sphere should be added and the test repeated until the patient has no hesitation in responding that the-0.25 DS is preferred.

3. Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care

/David B. Elliott

  • 6. If the patient immediately reports that the-0.25 DS is definitely clearer, repeat the demonstration of the lenses and ask if the-0.25 DS ‘is definitely clearer or just smaller and blacker’.
    • Only add -0.25 DS if the patient immediately reports that the lens is definitely clearer.
  • 8 .If the patient reports that the +0.25 DS is clearer or that there is no difference, add +0.25 DS to the refractive correction
  • 10.Continue to compare the -0.25 DS and +0.25 DS until the +0.25 DS is immediately rejected.